How a Dog Bite Injury Case Works

How a Dog Bite Injury Case WorksWere you attacked by an animal and want to know how a dog bite injury case works? The experienced Atlanta personal injury lawyer at Gunnels Injury Law will be ready to take on your case and fight to get you the full compensation you deserve. Call our office today for a free consultation.

How a Dog Bite Injury Case Works | Proving Liability

In order to successfully bring a case against a dog owner, you have to prove that they knew that their dog had a propensity to attack. Georgia is a negligence state, meaning that your case rides on the fact that you have to prove that there was negligence involved that lead to your dog bite. That dog owner would have had to have knowledge that their dog might hurt someone, and they would have had to been careless about protecting people from their dog. For example, if someone has a dangerous dog and has neglected to put a proper gate lock on their gate to keep their dog in their yard and that animal comes and attacks you, they would be held responsible for your injuries.

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How a Dog Bite Injury Case Works | First Steps

To have a successful and lucrative dog bite case, you need to do a few things. You want to be sure that you have as much evidence from the scene of the accident as possible. Because Georgia is a negligence state, having evidence to prove that the dog owner was negligent will be the most valuable thing you can have. When you have photos and videos of the scene, the dog, the owner, and your injuries, it will be able to tell a story that may be able to help you more than you can imagine. Getting the authorities on the scene and animal control will be helpful for you as well because they can officially document the incident, get records on the dog, and make sure that it is up to date on its shots and vaccinations. Last, you want to protect yourself form the insurance company who represents the liable party (being the dog owner). They have a mission to keep you from getting full compensation, so it is very important to let your Georgia dog bite lawyer take over all communications with the insurance company.

If you or your child has been bitten by a vicious dog and has been badly injured, please do not hesitate to call our office to set up a free consultation. We will do everything in our power to make your case as strong as possible. Your injuries and damages deserve full and fair compensation and we have the knowledge to get that for you. Our Atlanta dog bite lawyer can guide you through this legal situation to get you the best possible result.