Due to the prevalence of pictures in society, since nearly every person has the ability to take a picture with their phone, photographs have become very important pieces of evidence in trials for all sorts of personal injury cases. Unfortunately, it is not uncommon to have photos be prohibited from being shown to a jury due to their graphic depiction of accidents and injuries.You will find, though, that a lot of photos taken at the scene of the accident are permissible in court. It is very beneficial to you to have the ability to take photos right after your accident.

Collision Photos

As the cliché goes, a picture is worth a thousand words. You can put someone at the scene through pictures and they don’t ever need to have been there to understand the extent of damage happened. It is common that Georgia police officers will take photos of their own at the scene of an auto accident because pictures really are that useful. If you have been involved in an auto accident, it is important that you collect evidence in the form of photos and bring them to a competent Atlanta auto accident lawyer.

Birdseye Photos

Photos that have been taken from an aerial perspective are really valuable pictures that can be used to determine what exactly happened at the scene of an accident. This is most likely not the kind of photo you are going to be able to take, but there are ways to find out if these kinds of photos exist from your accident. You may have video/photo proof from a nearby business that you can get that information from. These aerial/birds eye view photos are very useful to show a jury to give them some context and perspective of the event.

Collision Photos

These kinds of photos show up everywhere. We see them on the news after an accident, they show them before prom to scare kids away from drunk driving, and social media spread these photos to discourage texting and driving. They are devastating photos that can be highly effective in showing a jury how terrible your auto accident was. They will hear about what happened from both party’s representation, but the photos are able to tell the story better. There is probably no better way to witness the true events than a photo except perhaps having been a physical witness, which your jury will not have been.

Graphs & Charts

Graphs & ChartsGraphs and charts can be extremely useful tools to help show the jury key information. You can present them in computer animations, PowerPoint presentations, or physical representations. It is a huge advantage to your case if you are able to effectively utilize graphs and charts. If you present your charts and graphs in the form of a physical example, the court allows you to keep that up throughout the duration of the trial as opposed to a PowerPoint which is only available in the moment that it is being presented and during jury deliberation. If you have physical information that is constantly in view of the jury, they have to look at it and think about it constantly which may be a benefit to you more than computer animations or PowerPoints.

Blown Up Images

If you have a graphic that is going to be shown to the jury, it may be extremely valuable to have it blown up to a larger than life size and presented to the jury as such. For example, if there is an injury to the brain after an auto accident and you are hoping to show this damage in the form of scans, you want the jury to clearly see this, so blowing it up can make the message clear to the jury exactly what is being discussed. Again, you may want to choose a physical blown up image as opposed to something on the screen so that the jury has to view it throughout the trial.

Call Our Atlanta Auto Accident Lawyer Today for a Free Consultation

If you want strong, dedicated, and knowledgeable representation to help you build a strong case, please call our Atlanta auto accident lawyer today where you can set up a free consultation. Your case matters and your evidence should be used effectively. Allow us to provide excellent service for your case and support you to the very end where you will be receiving the best possible outcome.