Truck Accident Liability
Do you need help proving commercial truck accident liability in Georgia? Contact Gunnels Injury Law to schedule a free consultation.Question:
Who can be held responsible in a commercial truck accident?
One of the things that makes handling commercial vehicle wreck cases unique and difficult is that various parties could be responsible for the damages caused by the wreck. When you’re just dealing with a regular person who causes a car wreck, it is generally only that person who is responsible for his or her damages. That’s not the case when you’re dealing with a commercial vehicle.In that situation, there are multiple parties who may be responsible. The first and most obvious party is the driver. The second is the company that the driver is working for. Under Georgia law, when a driver commits a negligent act and injures someone while working for a company, that company is responsible for all the damages caused by their driver’s negligence.Also, when these types of commercial vehicle wrecks occur in Georgia, we are allowed to sue directly the insurance company that provides coverage for the trucking company or the commercial vehicle company. That’s not the case in general vehicle incidents that do not involve commercial policies. Finally, it’s important to investigate these issues thoroughly because, in some situations, the party that hired the trucking company can also be responsible for the damages that it caused.If you’ve been injured in a wreck involving a commercial vehicle, it’s important to contact an attorney who’s experienced in handling these matters. We have handled many of these matters at Gunnels Injury Law, and if you have been injured in this situation, please give us a call and let us help you find out all the parties who may be responsible for your damages.
If you or a loved one was injured in a commercial vehicle wreck in Georgia, you may have questions about truck accident liability.
Contact experienced Atlanta truck accident lawyer Christopher Gunnels at Gunnels Injury Law today to arrange a free consultation.
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Out of Town Resource
This Nassau County Truck Accident Lawyer has done a great job creating educational content. If you need help with a truck accident claim in Nassau County, we recommend you take a look at their website.