Atlanta Injury Lawyer / Truck Accident Claim with Minimal Medical Bills

Truck Accident Claim with Minimal Medical Bills

Are you filing a truck accident claim with minimal medical bills and want to know if you are eligible for compensation? Contact our office today.
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Do I need a minimum amount of medical bills to file a truck accident claim?


Truck Accident Claim with Minimal Medical BillsWhen we have clients come to see us about injuries they’ve sustained in accidents with commercial trucks, often they want to know how much value they need to have in medical expenses to warrant pursuing one of these claims. The answer to that goes back to what type of injuries there are. Sometimes you can have very significant injuries that have very minor medical expenses associated with them, and those are definitely worth pursuing. For example, if you have a significant scar as a result of the accident, those cases have significant value to them, even though they may not have a whole lot of medical expenses associated with them.

On the other hand, you may have a situation where you have $150 in expenses from a hospital visit, and the next day you’re fine. The value of the recovery for those cases is just not enough to warrant spending your time filing a lawsuit. You’ll spend a lot more money on one of those cases than you’ll receive in the end, and nobody’s looking to do that. The best thing to do if you’ve been injured in a collision with a commercial vehicle is immediately contact a personal injury attorney. They can help you evaluate your claim and walk you through the process to make sure that you have everything aligned properly.

Were you or a loved one seriously injured in a commercial vehicle wreck in Georgia and have questions about filing a truck accident claim? Contact the experienced Atlanta truck accident lawyers at Gunnels Injury Law today to arrange a free consultation and case evaluation. Let our experience work for you. Subscribe to Our YouTube Channel