Mistakes to Avoid After a Truck Accident
In this video, our Atlanta injury attorney discusses what mistakes to avoid after a truck accident to make sure your rights are protected.Question:
What mistakes should I avoid after a truck accident?Answer:
If you have been injured in a truck accident, you want to make sure you avoid these common mistakes that could ruin your case before it has even started. Commercial vehicle wrecks are much different than general auto wrecks and need to be handled differently. We often see people who have harmed their case because they didn’t immediately seek medical attention after the incident. Often, we have people that wait multiple weeks before they actually go seek treatment. Once you have started that process of receiving medical treatment, make sure you follow through with it. We see people all the time who have harmed their case because they didn’t follow through with their treatment. Don’t miss treatment, because you will have insurance companies who latch onto those gaps in treatment and claim that you must not have been as injured as you say.
Finally, make sure that you immediately hire a lawyer who knows how to handle commercial vehicle wrecks so that they can get the process started. It is crucial in commercial vehicle wrecks to hire an attorney who knows how to handle these cases because evidence needs to be preserved immediately. If that evidence is not preserved, then your case is going to be infinitely harder to prove and document. Make sure that you hire an experienced attorney who handles these cases regularly.Were you or a loved one seriously injured in a commercial vehicle wreck in Georgia and have questions about what mistakes to avoid after a truck accident? Contact the experienced Atlanta truck accident lawyers at Gunnels Injury Law today to arrange a free consultation and case evaluation. Let our experience work for you. Subscribe to Our YouTube Channel Out of Town Legal Resources We get a lot of calls from people who get injured in truck accidents in other areas of the country. We primarily help people that are injured in Georgia. That said, we are constantly looking for attorneys and online resources that can help people across the country. We found this personal injury firm in New York, NY that has created a lot of great online resources. If you are ever injured in a truck wreck in New York check out their truck accident page.