Dog Bite Settlement Timeline
Watch this video about the dog bite settlement timeline in Georgia to find out how long your case will take. Call our office to learn more.Question:
How long will my dog bite injury case take?Answer:
When we have clients who have been injured by dog bites, one of the first things they want to know is how long it’s going to take to resolve their case. This is very hard to know initially because all cases are different. However, dog bite cases usually tend to take longer than your general motor vehicle collision case because they are more fact-intensive and require a lot more discovery into what actually happened.
During the discovery process, we will have to find out if the dog had a propensity or history of attacking people before, along with if the owner had taken any measures to stop it. Those things take time to learn and figure out, and these are not the types of cases that often settle before filing a lawsuit. If the lawsuit cannot be resolved by the two parties, then the case may need to be tried in front of a jury.
Were you or a loved one attacked by a dog in Georgia and have questions about how long a dog bite case will take? Contact the experienced Atlanta dog bite lawyer at Gunnels Injury Law today to arrange a free consultation and case evaluation. Let our experience work for you. Subscribe to Our YouTube Channel