Differences Between Truck Accident Claims and Auto Accident Claims
There are many differences between truck accident claims and auto accident claims in Georgia. Watch this video to learn more.Question:
How does a truck accident claim differ from an auto accident claim?Answer:
Commercial truck accident cases are an entirely different type of personal injury case from a general motor vehicle accident. A commercial truck wreck involves rules and regulations that apply to professional drivers, such as truck drivers. It requires them to go through a lot of different types of evaluations and investigations when they’ve been in a wreck, and it requires them to take a number of steps to avoid a wreck. These steps have to be documented throughout the process, and it’s important to investigate early whether they have done all the things that they are supposed to do under the Federal Motor Carrier Regulations.
If you’ve been injured in a commercial truck wreck, please make sure to immediately contact an experienced personal injury attorney so they can begin investigating your claim and preserving all the necessary evidence. If you find yourself in this situation, please give us a call so we can help document your claim and present it in the best possible fashion.If you or a loved one was injured in a commercial vehicle wreck in Georgia, you may have questions about the differences between truck accident claims and auto accident claims. Contact experienced Atlanta truck accident lawyer Christopher Gunnels at Gunnels Injury Law today to arrange a free consultation. Let our experience work for you. Subscribe to Our YouTube Channel