Compensation for a Hit and Run Accident
The experienced injury attorneys at Gunnels Injury Law can help you recover full compensation for a hit and run accident in Georgia. Call today.Question:
Can I file a claim if I was injured in a hit and run accident in Georgia?
We were recently contacted by an individual who was injured when he was struck by a motor vehicle while walking as a pedestrian. These types of claims are common, and we have significant experience handling them. A problem in these cases occurs if the driver of the motor vehicle doesn’t stop and the injured person is not able to get identifying information. In situations such as those where you can’t find the at-fault driver, a person’s only remedy comes from their own underinsured or uninsured motorist coverage. This is a type of insurance coverage you have on your own automobile policy that applies to any claim in which you were injured that involved a motor vehicle, even if it was not your motor vehicle. It’s imperative to have this type of coverage, and it’s not expensive. Please reach out to your insurance agent and make sure that uninsured motorist coverage is provided in your policy; if not, please add it.
If you have been injured as a pedestrian and do not know who the at-fault driver was and need help navigating your claim, please give us a call so we can help you with the insurance process. We can determine if there’s any coverage for your injury and preserve the evidence needed so that we can help present your claim in the best possible light.
If you or a loved one were struck by a vehicle while walking in Georgia, you may have questions about receiving compensation for a hit and run accident. Contact experienced Atlanta pedestrian accident attorney Christopher Gunnels at Gunnels Injury Law today to arrange a free consultation. Let our experience work for you.
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