Atlanta Injury Lawyer / Choosing a Wrongful Death Attorney

Choosing a Wrongful Death Attorney

When choosing a wrongful death attorney in Atlanta, you need someone with experience and dedication. Call our office to schedule a free consultation.
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What should I look for when choosing a wrongful death attorney?


One of the most difficult types of claims that we encounter are wrongful death cases. A wrongful death claim is one that arises when someone has lost their life due to the negligence or carelessness of another. It is exceedingly important to make sure that you find a personal injury attorney that is experienced Choosing a Wrongful Death Attorney in handling wrongful death cases. Wrongful death cases involve very specialized knowledge, and you need to make sure that you have someone that knows how to work them through to conclusion. At Gunnels Injury Law, we have handled many wrongful death cases successfully, and we know what to do in these cases to present them in the best possible light.

It’s also important for you to know that your attorney has knowledge about how the insurance industry works. These types of claims involve insurance money as compensation, and it’s important to know that your attorney can get you through that system as efficiently as possible. I spent many years of my career representing insurance companies and defendants in these wrongful death cases before I decided I was on the wrong side, and that I should be helping people that deserve compensation. I can take that experience that I learned in working for insurance companies and put it to use for my clients in helping them navigate the insurance process. I know what gets their attention, I know what works, and I can put that to work for you. Finally, it’s important to know that you have an attorney that will take a case all the way through trial, if necessary. Insurance companies know that there are a lot of attorneys who will not take a case to trial. Those attorneys do not get the best offers and the best resolutions for their cases because the insurance companies don’t fear them. Insurance companies know that at Gunnels Injury Law we will take cases to trial, and that helps us get the best possible resolutions for our clients. We spend much of our time in the courtroom, and we know how to present a case to a jury effectively in order to get the best possible result.

Have you lost a family member or loved one due to someone else’s negligence and have questions about choosing a wrongful death attorney? Contact the experienced Atlanta wrongful death attorneys at Gunnels Injury Law today to arrange a free consultation and case evaluation. Let our experience work for you. Subscribe to Our YouTube Channel