Category Archives: Gunnels Law Firm

Mistakes to Avoid in a Medical Malpractice Case in Atlanta

Are you wondering what mistakes to avoid in a medical malpractice case in Arizona? Contact Gunnels Injury Law today. Question: What mistakes should I avoid when filing a medical malpractice claim? Answer: When we have people come to see us over a potential medical malpractice claim, we often see that they have harmed their case […]

Bicycle Accident Tips in Georgia

Were you seriously injured while riding a bike and want to learn bicycle accident tips in Georgia? Read this article, then call our lawyers. Mistakes to Avoid After a Bicycle Accident When we have people come to us after being injured in a bicycle accident, they’ve often done things that harm their case without even […]

Choosing a Wrongful Death Attorney in Atlanta

Have you lost a loved one due to someone else’s negligence? Learn what to look for when choosing a wrongful death attorney in Atlanta. Question: What should I look for when choosing a wrongful death attorney? Answer: One of the most difficult types of claims that we encounter are wrongful death cases. A wrongful death […]

The Nitty Gritty of Your Nursing Home Abuse Case

Have you been the victim of nursing home negligence? Learn the nitty gritty of your nursing home abuse case, then call our Atlanta lawyer. Signs of Nursing Home Abuse Nursing home cases in general are some of the most heartbreaking cases to see and some of the cases that we are the most passionate about […]