Car Accident Case Value
Do you have questions about how much compensation you are eligible to receive? Watch this video about car accident case value to learn more.Question:
How much is my car accident claim worth?Answer:
When we see clients with injuries suffered in car wrecks, one of the first things they want to know is how much their case is worth. That’s a very difficult question to answer because there’s so many variables to the value of a case. A case is generally going to depend on things such as the amount of the medical expenses, the permanency of the injury, and how much it’s disrupted your life.
In Georgia, things that you can recover for personal injury are special damages, which are lost wages and the value of medical expenses, and what’s called non-economic damages, which includes things such as pain and suffering and the disruption of your life. Those are the categories that you’re looking at in terms of how much your case is worth.
Were you or a loved one seriously injured in an automobile wreck in Georgia and have questions about car accident case value? Contact the experienced Atlanta car accident attorneys at Gunnels Injury Law today to arrange a free consultation and case evaluation. Let our experience work for you. Subscribe to Our YouTube Channel