Atlanta Injury Lawyer / Boat Accident Claim with Minimal Medical Bills

Boat Accident Claim with Minimal Medical Bills

Are you filing a boat accident claim with minimal medical bills and want to know if you are eligible for compensation? Contact our office today.
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Do I need a minimum amount of medical bills to file a boat accident claim?


Boat Accident Claim with Minimal Medical BillsWhen people come in to see us and they’ve been injured in a boating accident, one of the things they want to know is whether there’s a minimum amount of expenses they need to have incurred for medical treatment in order to sustain a viable personal injury claim. The answer is, no, there’s not. It’s more important to evaluate your case by looking at the injuries, specifically the permanency of the injuries, rather than just the medical expenses. One of the things that needs to be evaluated is whether you have an injury that’s permanent, such as scarring or deformity. For example, scarring may not have a lot of medical expenses associated with it, but it can often have some extensive value. Conversely, you could have a lot of medical expenses, but have a claim where it’s unclear who is responsible for the incident, and those cases may have no value whatsoever. That’s why it is best to speak with an experienced personal injury attorney to determine how viable your claim is.

Were you or a loved seriously injured while boating in Georgia and have questions about filing a boat accident claim with minimal medical bills? Contact the experienced Atlanta boat accident lawyer at Gunnels Injury Law today to arrange a free consultation and case evaluation. Let our experience work for you. Subscribe to Our YouTube Channel