Bicycle Accident Recorded Statement
Giving a bicycle accident recorded statement to an insurance company will hurt your personal injury claim. Call our office for legal advice.Question:
Should I speak with insurance companies after a bicycle accident?Answer:
We are sometimes asked whether a person should give a recorded statement to an insurance company after they have been injured while riding a bicycle. The answer is always no. The insurance company for the at-fault party will often ask for a recorded statement from the injured party. The injured party often believes that it is good for their case to tell their story, but generally, the exact opposite is true. While you don’t know the process, the insurance company will utilize a trained claims examiner to ask questions in a way that will give you the opportunity to give misleading answers, and will harm your claim going forward. If you are not represented by an attorney and you’re asked to give a recorded statement by the insurance company, always decline to do so.
Were you or a loved one seriously injured while riding a bike in Georgia and have questions about speaking to insurance companies after an accident? Contact the experienced Atlanta bicycle accident lawyers at Gunnels Injury Law today to arrange a free consultation and case evaluation. Let our experience work for you. Subscribe to Our YouTube Channel