Bicycle Accident Case Value
Do you have questions about how much compensation you are eligible to receive? Watch this video about bicycle accident case value to learn more.Question:
How much is my bicycle accident claim worth?Answer:
When we have people come into our office who have been injured because of a bicycle accident, one of the first things they want to know is the value of their case. That is something that, unfortunately, can be determined at the beginning of a case. The reason for that is that the value of your claim is dependent upon how you recover. If you have an injury that you never recover from, that is a more valuable claim than an injury that you fully recover from. The first thing that has to happen before value is determined is to have you get medical treatment and determine if you are going to make a full recovery.
The next step would be then evaluating what ways your life has been disrupted, and looking at what you’re entitled to recover in damages. Under Georgia law, you can first recover damages that are called special damages. These generally are lost wages and medical expenses that you’ve incurred as a result of your treatment. Those are pretty easy to determine. The harder category is what’s called non-economic damages. Those are things that you can’t get a receipt for, such as pain and suffering. They are things like the disruption and loss of enjoyment in your daily life. Now, looking at those categories, that’s how they determine to some extent the value of your case, but you also have to take into consideration what the available insurance coverage may be because these cases all become about insurance money. How much liability coverage does the person that harmed you have? You have to look at that to determine value. Under Georgia law, a driver is only required to have at minimum $25,000 of liability coverage. That severely limits a case if you have several hundred thousand dollars of medical expenses and the at-fault driver only has $25,000 worth of coverage. That also significantly drives the value of your claim. Even though you’re on a bicycle, it is the liability insurance of the driver that is required to compensate you for your claim.Were you or a loved one seriously injured while riding a bike in Georgia and have questions about bicycle accident case value? Contact the experienced Atlanta bicycle accident lawyers at Gunnels Injury Law today to arrange a free consultation and case evaluation. Let our experience work for you. Subscribe to Our YouTube Channel